"turbo charge your metabolism, burn off your fat (even in your most stubborn areas) and transform your body into the shape you've always wanted!"
there's a reason over 11,362 women have seen life changing results following the templates!
here is what is included

Meal Plan Templates (£97 Value)

This guidebook is the heart of program. Inside you'll discover:
  • How to perfectly structure your diet so you burn stubborn fat FAST (and how outdated approaches like Slimming World or Weight Watchers make weight loss HARDER long term!)...
  • ​What you must do at ONCE to avoid metabolic shutdown - (Page 3)
  • ​How to 'hack' your metabolism so it starts burning your stored energy (body fat!) as fuel to transform your body and health - (Page 6
  • ​What never to do if you want to effortlessly shed fat from your belly, thighs and waist (it's NOT what you think!)
  • ​Precisely why these templates burn stubborn body fat so quickly WITHOUT ever having to count calories or cut out carbs - (Page 17)
  •  A simple, easy to follow meal planning system that doesn't require you to count calories, cut out carbs or any faddy stuff
  • ​A complete FAQ guide and meal planning walk-though. (And... 24/7 email support so you can start seeing results straight away)
  • A NEW approach you can easily follow (WITHOUT starving yourself or doing any exercise more strenuous than walking to the fridge!)
  • PLUS — How to turn the tables on one so-called "expert" weight loss  company we both know (the one just out to steal your time and money) – and lose troublesome fat from your hips, buns, belly, under arms and thighs INSTEAD! (Page 12)...

Portion Size Guide (£27 Value)

Say goodbye to counting calories or weighing out food. This portion size guide has easy to follow visual examples to follow.

In the past this was only available to private coaching clients. You're getting this portion size guide for free as part of the Meal Plan Templates package!

Habit Building Secrets (£97 Value)

Getting and staying motivated is one of the hardest parts of your weight loss journey. This habit building secrets guide gives you all the tools you need to create new empowering habits that last!

Previously, this Habit Building Secrets program was sold on my website for £97! Again, you're getting the program for FREE as part of the Meal Plan Templates package!

5 Day Metabolic Kickstart (£47 Value)

If you lack energy throughout the day or suffer from cravings. This 5 day metabolic kickstart is designed to reboot your metabolism so you can start seeing rapid weight loss results and experience uncapped energy throughout the day almost straight away.

Four months ago, this kickstart was sold for £47 and you're getting this bonus for free as part of the Meal Plan Templates package!
a total value of £268 - yours today for just one payment of £7!


Give my Meal Plan Templates an honest try for 90 days and see the difference for yourself!

Take before and after pictures, measure yourself and results happen. 

If you’re not completely satisfied and loving your new body after 90 days. 

Just let me know and I’ll issue you a quick and friendly refund.

 – No questions asked!
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